Brow lift


As with many structures on the face, the eyebrows and forehead can fall due to laxity and decreased elasticity of our skin and facial tissue. Also, as we age, we tend to lose volume in the eyebrow area, which can exacerbate this issue. This problem can contribute to a tired or aged appearance of the upper face and eyes. While there are many ways to approach this problem, a brow lift may be a good option to help you.

If you feel your forehead has developed too many wrinkles and frown lines, your eyebrows have begun to sag too much, or you just want a fuller, more vibrant look, a brow lift may be right for you. Dr. Joseph will go over your specific situation and build a cosmetic surgery plan that brings a vibrant look back to your eyes.

What Is a Brow Lift?

The goal of a brow lift (also called a forehead lift) is to make your eyes and upper face appear more rested and vibrant. The procedure involves removing excess skin from the forehead and tightening the remaining tissues. The type of brow lift can vary, and we provide several options for patients, including minimally invasive procedures.

The art of this plastic surgery is found in the natural results that Dr. Jeffrey Joseph, MD, can achieve. This surgery is often used in conjunction with other surgeries or treatments around the eyes to create a rested, youthful effect. After surgery, people will comment on how rested you look and your improved appearance without knowing that you had anything done. 

Brow Lift At a Glance

  • Anesthesia: Local anesthesia, sedation, or general anesthesia as needed.
  • Duration: Average of 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on type.
  • Downtime: 1 to 2 weeks
    Scars: Hidden
  • Results: 5–12 years (varies by type)

brow lift patient front viewbrow lift patient front view

brow lift patient side viewbrow lift patient side view

Brow Lift Procedure Overview: How It Is Done

We provide several approaches for addressing drooping eyebrows. The right solution will depend on how extensive your signs of aging are.
  • Nonsurgical Brow Lift: This excellent option suits younger patients or those who have only mild changes and wish to avoid surgery. Neutoxin injections, fillers such as Juvederm, or fat grafting can all help improve eyebrow contour and height. High safety profiles and minimal commitment make these popular “prejuvenation” treatments.
  • Brow Pexy: This technique can be used for a small lift or stabilization of the eyebrow at the time of another procedure such as upper eyelid blepharoplasty or upper eyelid ptosis repair. With an eyelid incision or a very small incision hidden in the eyebrow, the eyebrow is fixed at a slightly higher position using sutures.
  • Temporal Brow Lift: This technique can be used for a focused lift of the outside, or arch, of the brow. It is usually performed to accentuate the results of another procedure, such as upper eyelid blepharoplasty or upper eyelid ptosis repair. The incision is very well hidden in the hairline, with minimal healing time.
  • Endoscopic Brow Lift: This procedure uses 3 to 5 small incisions placed and hidden in the hairline. An endoscopic camera is then used to visualize and assist in elevating the forehead and eyebrows. The elevated tissue is then fixed in place using sutures, or specially designed anchors called Endotines or Ultratines. The benefits of this technique include the well-hidden incisions and faster healing time compared to other, more invasive techniques.
  • Coronal Brow Lift: This powerful technique is used for patients with significant changes in the brow and forehead. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia, and recovery time is extended compared to other techniques. However, the results show more dramatic improvements in appearance.
  • Direct Brow Lift: This procedure is very powerful. At the same time, it limits surgical and recovery time. An incision is made directly above the eyebrow to directly address the brow. Excess tissue is removed, and the incision is carefully and meticulously closed to limit scarring. This procedure best suits select patients, such as those with cranial nerve palsy that can be due to Bell palsy or trauma.

Brow Lift FAQs

Is a brow lift right for me?

Drooping of the eyebrows, if present, is a central contributor to heavy, tired-appearing eyes. If there is significant eyebrow drooping, a forehead lift may prove a good option for you. During your consultation with Dr. Joseph in his Southern California office, you will learn about the unique treatments he offers and discuss your individual goals. Together, you will develop a plan to maximize your results.
A brow lift candidate will typically have a few key traits, including:
  • Overall good health
  • Realistic, healthy expectations
  • No current tobacco use
Brow Lift Before and After Patient 1 Dr. Joseph Infocus Inland Empire

What is the recovery like after a brow lift?

  • 1 Week After
  • 2 TO 3 WEEKS After
  • 1 MONTH TO 6 WEEKS After
  • You may have a head wrap after a brow lift. This can be removed in 24 hours after surgery. You can expect some swelling and bruising immediately after surgery, so keep your head elevated. You will have some pain after surgery, but it is usually well-controlled with ice compresses and medication. Physical activity should be limited for the first week.
  • You should be able to start reading, watching TV, and performing small, easy activities around the house for extended periods. The forehead may feel tight for the first week, which will fade over time. At this time, we will ask you to come back to the office so the stitches can be removed. Swelling and bruising will still be present but should start to improve.
  • Around this time, you should be able to resume most, if not all, of your routine activities. Patients are usually ready to return to work at this time. Most of your swelling and bruising should improve by the second week. Continue to be mindful of the surgical sites and your aftercare.
  • Some minor forehead swelling and numbness may persist, which should improve over the next several months. The incisions will fade and soften with attentive aftercare. Still, this will usually take time, sometimes up to several months. Your doctor may make use of scar cream or steroid injections to help improve your scars, depending on your situation.

Why choose an oculofacial surgeon for a forehead lift?

Surgeons from different specialties may offer this procedure to their patients. As an oculofacial plastic surgeon specializing in the eyelids and the areas around the eyes, Dr. Joseph focuses his practice on this area and this type of surgery. It is important to remember that the eyelids and surrounding structures are intricately related to the appearance and the health of the eyes themselves. Dr. Joseph’s specific training as an ophthalmologist and microsurgeon enables him to accurately and safely tailor your surgery to your specific needs and goals. Dr. Joseph is excited to bring this level of specialized care to his patients in California.

Does a brow lift leave scars?

Every surgical procedure involving incisions will result in scarring. The more important questions are how much scarring and how visible. A skilled surgeon can minimize incision size to keep scars small. Additionally, they will place incisions strategically so that any scarring remains hidden. Lastly, a surgeon will provide clear instructions for how to promote healing and lessen the scar over time.

How long do brow lift results last?

Brow lift results can stay with you for years, with some patients even having a lifetime of benefits. Nonsurgical brow lift results can last months to years, while surgical options can provide 10+ years. However, not all surgical techniques are equal. Lighter methods may provide a few years of results, while more intensive methods may prove longer lasting.

Dr. Joseph will outline your expected results timeline before you commit to surgery. Additionally, he can provide information on how to best prolong your results. This can include lifestyle factors and additional treatments later on.

Schedule a Consultation

Book your consultation with a board-certified oculofacial surgeon for a transformative brow lift experience. Dr. Jeffrey Joseph works as a leading provider of face and eyelid surgery in Southern California for patients from across the country.

Schedule a Consultation